Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hi Everyone

Hi! Sorry I haven't even had time to even check this page! I will try to update it more, Although he is gone on earth, he will always be with us in hearts and souls!

TO Donna: You are a AWESOME person! Keep it up! I know you are who you are because of Billy, I completely
understand about him teaching you everything you know. I would have to say the same if something ever happened to my baby Scott (hopefully never will) which I love with all my heart as well.

Dana and Bo! You guys have to be one of the most caring couple! I notice lil things you guys have done for him, even after he is gone, and I KNOW how close yall were. Dana, Your just superwoman! :) Sorry about pronouncing your name wrong, I am BAD! with names... Nothing meant by it. Yall are both great people! Can’t wait to see yall again.

To Billy's Family:

I know I never knew you, but I can assure that you guys are the strongest and have learned so much as he did from you.

Just wanted to updated and let everyone know we were thinking about them, and Billy may you REST IN PEACE and we ALL care for ya BOOGER!


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